Friday, June 11, 2010

Rooster & Rosey weekend road trip

Rooster's excited to be headed to his 35th High School Reunion!! We will be leaving in the morning on our bikes to head South into the Hill Country. Me on my Red Angel and he on his Black Pearl......he did not name his bike, I just did. I've been calling it the Black Pearl in my head for a while. But it's not up to me to officially name his bike. So that is subject to change when he tells me her name. Notice most vehicles get a girls name.....hummm. I've been told it's because they will always give you some kind of trouble eventually. Oh well, I've been called trouble all my life.....he he he.
I named my bike Red Angel about a year after I had her. She started out being the Red Devil cause I didn't think I was ever going to get that connection I needed to feel safe on her. She was so much heavier and bigger than my Low Rider. Did I mention that I'm only 5'3" and 136lbs? But I persevered and one day, out on the road, it just happened. That sweet spot moment. When you know you know and all is right. In that instant she became my Red Angel. I really love the feel of just sitting on her in the garage, but nothing can replace that in the wind feeling of freedom. I soar when I ride my Red Angel.
When we return from our weekend ride I will be back to add more about this short adventure.
By the way, thanks for stopping in.
See you down the road!! YEE HAW!!
Big Texas Hugs,


  1. Yay! Y'all have fun and be safe. Love you both so much and we'll see you in just a few weeks!

  2. Awww...thanks for following us. We can't wait to see y'all too!! Rooster said he has already made plans to do crazy stuff when you get here. Tell Mike I will hold his hand as you and Rooster go bungee jump or whatever it's called. I would have to wear an adult diaper or totally embarrass myself if I did that. No Way for me!! I'll take pics.


Rosey Roads Tested!!