Monday, July 26, 2010


When we started out this morning it was a little wet in Pagosa Springs, NM but not raining.  YEA! Very cool so the heavy gloves and leathers were very nice indeed.  Headed to Durango for breakfast.  SWEET RIDE!

From Durango to Silverton........AMAZING!!  Twisty turns and when it says 15 at a curve it means it.  No rails, the road just drops off the side of the mountain.  I just kept thinking it's ok, you have three lanes in this one, we're leaving the far right lane alone tho, just too close to that drop off. 

Once when we stopped for pics we heard an elk calling was so cool.  Better to hear them than to see them when you are on a motorcycle.

I wish I had smella-blog so everyone could smell the crisp fresh pine air.  It's so sweet that it's embedded into my nostrils. 

By the time we got to Ouray it was very warm so off came the leathers for the rest of the day.  And by the time we got to Grand Junction, CO it was 100 out........ouchy.  Rooster was ready to stay in Grand Junction but we took a vote and the girls won.  We voted to go another 100 miles or so.  Ended up in Rangley, CO.  The difference in the landscape is incredible!  From pines to dessert. 

We're in for the night.  Showered, full tummy, smiling from ear to ear.  Tomorrow we venture a little further North.  Who know's where we will end up for the night.  I'm betting it's Wyoming.  Guess you will have to check in tomorrow night to see for yourself.

Big Texas Hugs,
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the air. The mountains here have this almost medicinal quality, you just want to keep breathing it in forever. Isn't it a blessing we can notice these things and enjoy them to the fullest? Keep riding safe, I am thoroughly enjoying your adventure.


Rosey Roads Tested!!