On the road by 6 AM cool enough for the jean jacket, gas up and I35 here we come! First stop Decatur for breakfast at the I-Hop.....and every waitress there is PG so don't drink the water there!!
My Red Angel must have felt like she went home again since this is where I bought her in Wichita Falls at Red River Harley Davidson. Funny how sometimes you can go home again.
Noooo.....God had another plan. We made Amarillo in cloudy pleasant weather, stopped at Tipps Harley to pee and put our rain covers on our stuff just in case those clouds decided to pour out on us. So we get back on the road and WHAM! God gave us a natural hydration vest, the sky opened up on us, we pulled over to the shoulder and put the rain suits on. Got a little damp in the process......oh well, it would be nice to be cool right? WRONG! 60 miles later Rooster pulls us over to put our leathers on then put the rain suits on over that........I was shaking so hard by then, I didn't know if it was the wind or the wet that was making me shake so much........it was the COLD WET! But now we are at Tucumcari, NM 465 miles into our trip and the first 350 were a piece of cake, the last 115 sucked but we are here safe and warm now. Going to K-Bobs for a steak! Outta here..........later.
Big Texas Hugs
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
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