After breakfast the sky's did not look too good to us, matter of fact the direction we were headed looked very dark. We decided to wait it out some......but the rain came and we headed to the local Harley Shop for more rain gear. I now own a pair of duck boots.......or at least that's what they make my feet look like, but they kept them dry. I love em!!
Now off we go to find our way around the rain, might even have to skip The Road to the Sun.....=(
God smiled on us tho, and the sky became more blue while the rain became sprinkles. We stopped at the entrance to Glacier Park for hot coco and took a vote........yep, let's try it.
Good vote.....The Road to the Sun is beyond description! At every turn there is a magnificent view. The woods are so thick with moss on the floor of the forest that it looks like lush green carpet. The smell of the pines remind me of fresh cut Christmas trees.
And then we made it to Canada!!
But now we only have a little more than an hour before Lethbridge Harley Davidson closes because it's Saturday and they close at 4pm. We had to wait out the rain this morning and it put us behind, but we can do it if we hurry hurry hurry!!In Canada the first speed limit sign we see says 100 klm.........yikes, I think that's about 70 mph, but no matter, we were doing 80 mph. Passing fields of bright yellow something........and the smell was intoxicating. No matter tho, we are on a mission.........get there before they close at 4pm..........
At 3:59pm we pull up to a CLOSED Lethbridge Harley Davidson!!!!!
Here take this!! Kiss my Continental Divide!!
Big Texas Hugs
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu