Well we're home again but what a nice ride. Very easy going down yesterday. Was cloudy but that was a plus especially the closer it got to noon. We rolled out of our driveway just before 8 a.m. with Hico our planned stop for a little breakfast at the Koffee Kup Kafe. Yep, that's what they used be called, but somebody took it personal and they had to change it to Koffee Kup Cafe. Something to do with the initials......go figure. But if you want a piece of pie or breakfast, that's a great place to stop in. We take US67 out of Cleburne to TX-220 to Hico. At Hico we tag onto US281 all the way to Marble Falls.
So many wild flowers along the way. Can someone tell me what those purple ones are? Not Thistles but something else, look kinda like an Indian Paint Brush but are purple and they cover whole pastures!! No smell either. Just purty to look at. Of course we saw plenty of Indian Blankets and many others that I don't know the names of.
Anyway, we got to Best Western around noon, quick shower and off we go to the Roosters High School Reunion out on Lake Travis. I met so many nice people. I finally got tired of saying "I'm his wife" that I made a name tag that said it for me. "I'm his wife". We had good ole Texas BBQ for our meal.
I need to tell you, I did ride on the back with Rooster. I hardly ever do that, but it was his day, not mine. I had forgotten how nice it is to just sit and watch the world go by. I call it being a "Beauty Queen". Cause when you sit there, your job is to sit and look purty. No back seat driving allowed. But you can and should always be aware of any hazards so you are ready to divert.
A good time was had by all at the reunion and we left around 8ish to be back to the hotel before dark. The Hill Country is known for the deer population. Deer and motorcycles do not blend well. Back safely to shower and sit out by the pool for a while........hmmm, ruff life huh? he he he it is good to be me!
Rooster got me up before the chickens!! (now you may be getting why the nickname) He wanted breakfast at the Blue Bonnet Cafe. Ok, Ok, I'm up! Packed the bikes. Sitting at the Blue Bonnet having a wonderful breakfast! (sorry Koffee Kup, they make a better breakfast) Anyway, and Rooster says "I coulda slept a little longer this morning....". Pa-Leeze.......don't make me hurt ya! Oh well, what do you do? You eat breakfast and get on down the road.
Back on the road and Rooster takes a detour, to my delight. Park Rd 4 off US281 just outside Marble Falls toward Inks Lake. Oh my, what a sweet little ride. Twisty turns, up and downs rolling hills. I felt like a kid playing on a new skate board.....weeeee!! Then he turns into a picnic area. Wow, what a view! It had to be the highest point for miles. Check out the pic and that will tell the tale.
We went back the way we came to get back onto US281 and make our way home. We got here around 1ish with chores to do before going back to work in the real world tomorrow. Put about 400 miles on the bikes for the weekend...short trip....sunburned and smiling. It's all good.
See you down the road.
Rosey and Rooster
"All Star Beth" I finally had the chance to visit your blog and look forward to more. I have to disagree not all bikes are not after a woman, my springer is named "Kidney Killer" oh wait.......if she kicks you there I guess that can be a woman's name, lol. I look forward to follwoing your blog as I WILL "Live through you and your blog" since I can't take such a terriffic ride. Be safe and ride well, out watch out for those who don't know to give bikes the right of way. Take care. Shinoda Jim
ReplyDeleteThanks Shinoda Jim. I've seen both your bikes and I can tell you the one called "Kidney Killer" is an amazing machine...I think it "IS" a female. She's just a little rougher than most but she is a Beaut!!