Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I am excited to say our friend Lynda Lu from Fredericksburg, Texas, is joining us on her bike for the trip to Canada.  That makes us the 3 muskateers!!  On our most EXCELLENT ADVENTURE!!
I met Lynda Lu at a HOG Rally in Tyler, TX around 03 I think, all I know for sure is she is a blessing in my world.  She and Rooster are like brother and sister, one minute they love each other and the next they are fussing.....but they always love each other in the end.  Just like brother and sister.  She is an excellent rider and very easy to travel with.  Lynda Lu can hang with the big boys on the road but we travel slower and that will be a treat for her.  Rooster is amazing to travel with, he loves to stop here and there to take it all in.  Great for two gals that wanna stop too!!  (Come on guys, y'all know that most of the time it's a race to see how fast you can get from point A to point B.)  This will be a TOURING ADVENTURE.  Meaning we get to stop along the way to see the wonders of this great country we live in.  I'm so excited Lynda Lu will be our companion on the road.  OMG only 24 more days before we start NORTH!! 

Rosey Beth

Monday, June 28, 2010

Million Mile Monday for HOG

What a great day to participate in the Million Mile Monday for Harley Owners Group aka HOG.  I did it last year and again this year.  You simply log your miles for the day within the 24hours of today on their website to be counted in the total miles driven around the world by HOG members. 
Last year I rode with 3 friends to Grossbeck, Tx for lunch and then a friend of mine, Tina Rae that lives on the lake down there, came up on her Honda......yes I said HONDA, to lead me down to her place on the lake.  (I have respect for anyone on 2 wheels)  We had a great visit with her parents and I got a first class tour of the lake property along with the house Tina is building HERSELF!  (dang I am impressed, even tho Tina is quick to remind me she has had help from family and friends along the way.)  Anyway, we decide this year Tina Rae would ride up to my house in Burleson on Sunday so we could take off from there together.  Winding around back roads here and there, thru Meridian and Hamilton with a final destination Waco.  We planned to part at Waco so she could get home easily from there, but first gotta stop at the Elite Cafe on the circle for dessert!  We've been good girls, we deserve some CHOCOLATE!! (with ice cream of course!!)  No we did not eat all of it!  This was 1lb of cake!  Tina Rae took over half of it home to her mom.  But the half we ate was yum yum!!
As you can see from this pic, Tina Rae is on a Low Rider now which she has named Silver Angel.  So we are the two Angels flying down the road when we are together...and that's on Harleys, not brooms....he he he.
  She had it better than me getting home, I got rained on 3 times.  The first time I had my hydration vest on.........YIKES, suddenly I remembered the instructions said not to soak it more than 10 minutes or it could explode.  I had to pull over and get that thing off.  I envisioned my vest bursting open as I was flying down the road in the rain.......not good, not good at all.  Rain in the summer tho not so bad to ride in, just go slow till the slipper chemicals wash off the road.  Then after that it's a lot like playing in the rain when you were a kid.  Of course Rooster was home pacing a little while waiting to hear my Red Angel pull into the Harley Closet aka garage.  He had the door open and was standing there waiting when I safely rolled in.  I love that he lets me be me even tho he worries. 
Home safe with a big smile on my face.  Was great to spend time with Tina Rae on the road.  Gonna do it again next year.

Rosey Beth

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Yep, only 28 more days till we roll out of the driveway to head north to Canada!  A million things are going thru my head.  Gotta get the bikes serviced.  Gotta put together a firstaid kit.  Gotta find Rooster and me a lightweight mesh shirt to wear with our hydration vest since the sun will bake our skin on our arms even tho the vest will keep us cool getting out of Texas.  Gotta find me a bag that's not so much trouble to get on and off my bike.  That's four Gotta's that I have in the front of my mind and plenty to come along as these 28 days race by. If I start packing now, I will over do it and pack too much.  Slow down Rosey........hmmm that would make a good song title don't you think?
So for today I am going to stop the Gotta's, because I am having a very special guest coming for the weekend.  My Grandson Zach.  He is 19 and amazing....not that I'm biased.  We are going to a pool party at Chrome and Johnboys house.  They are biker friends of ours.  We didn't meet on bikes or even at a rally.  We met at our local gym.  Come to find out we know some of the same people, other riders of course.  Anyway I'm glad we have the pool party to go to with Zach, he might get a little bored if he had to just hang with Memaw and Rooster.  There will be pretty young things at the pool party to keep him occupied I'm sure.  Zach is headed for the Marines next month.  I am scared for him but so proud too that he wants to do this for his country.  I pray daily for our soldiers and our country.

Big Texas HUGS
Rosey Beth

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hydration Vest Report Card

Yesterday was as hot as today.....sizzle sizzle!  But I was cool as a cucumber.  Hummm, that would be a cucumber that is in the fridge cause if it's still on the vine it would be a cooked cucumber.  Ok now I'm just yakking.......

Let's start over.  Saturday morning early, Rooster is awake and ready for breakfast.  We hop on the bikes to putt over to our favorite local breakfast place, The Porch.  It's in the Olde Towne part of Burleson.  Love breakfast there.  So after breakfast, as I said on my last post, Rooster had to get back to the house to work on company stuff.  I have a goal for the day, to test out the Hydration Vest I purchased at the end of last summer from the Longhorn Harley Davidson in Arlington, (be sure to ask for Cat in apparel, she knows her stuff).  I read the directions on the label and it said to soak in water for no more than 10 minutes or the vest could EXPLODE!!  Holy Moly!!  Well I can say it puffed up in 10 minutes and I had to use a towel to wrap it up while walking to the garage to let it drip a while before putting it on.  It weighed a lot more now too.  It's about 11ish by now and warming up out.  I'm thinking this is my window of opportunity to go on my solo ride.  Kiss Kiss Rooster, see ya later.

I zip this 20lb vest on me (not really 20lbs, just heavy) and off I go, but where to?
Well, one short run back to The Porch cause there's a new restaurant across from there that happened to be in a house I once rented back in 2000.  I loved that house and wanted to buy it but the landlord had a cash cow and he knew it so he wouldn't sell it to me.  The new restaurant is JJ's Oyster Bar.  I parked next door and a big fellow was getting out of his truck about the same time.  "Howdy, I'm Rosey", he shakes my tiny hand in his big ruff one, "Howdy I'm Chuck, I did all the work on this place"....."well Chuck, I used to live here, would love to see what you've done to it".  'Come on in ,I will give you a personal tour'.  Very impressive.  Worth a trip to check it out.
Now it's time to put some miles under my seat and it's really warmed up....well into the 90's.  I decide to head up TX174 thru Burleson to Cleburne to connect onto FM4 heading East to Grandview I35W to head back home.  Short ride of only 60 miles but it was still almost 2 before I parked my Red Angel in her Harley closet aka garage. 
Thanks to the Hydration Vest I could have rode for hours.  Was still very comfortable.  So it got an A+ on my report card. has been hanging in my bathroom for over 24 hours and is just now down to folding size.  Maybe I need to test it again and actually wear it in the wind all day so it will shrink back up faster.  On DE-Hydration I give it a C.  That grade is subject to change according to the results of a longer test.  To be continued........

See you down the road.........YEE HAW
Big Texas Hugs,
Rosey Beth

Friday, June 18, 2010

So Hot today saw the Devil hitchhiking North

It was a scorcher here today.  I think it hit 100 but I'm not sure.  Seriously, someone on my Face Book commented "I thought is was getting hot out till I saw the Devil hitchhiking North".  Now I know for sure!

I found a way to stay cool, met a couple of girlfriends after work to celebrate JUNE BUG BIRTHDAYS!!  Myself and both of them.  Love you Diana and Margie.  They both ride with me when the "Wild Hoggetts" take a long weekender a couple of times a year.  Diana rides year round being as she works at a Harley Shop but Margie and I have different lifestyles 5 days a week.  Dresses and heals do not mix with motorcycles.

Rooster has to work all weekend so I'm thinking I might just take a little solo ride tomorrow morning till it gets too hot for me.  That might take a while since I really don't mind the heat, I just like complaining about it.  Besides I have a hydration vest I want to try out.  I bought it at the end of the summer last year and it still has the tags on it.  I will give it a test ride tomorrow and report back.

Yee Haw, see you down the road.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weekend at Marble Falls, Tx

Well we're home again but what a nice ride. Very easy going down yesterday. Was cloudy but that was a plus especially the closer it got to noon. We rolled out of our driveway just before 8 a.m. with Hico our planned stop for a little breakfast at the Koffee Kup Kafe. Yep, that's what they used be called, but somebody took it personal and they had to change it to Koffee Kup Cafe. Something to do with the initials......go figure. But if you want a piece of pie or breakfast, that's a great place to stop in. We take US67 out of Cleburne to TX-220 to Hico. At Hico we tag onto US281 all the way to Marble Falls.
So many wild flowers along the way. Can someone tell me what those purple ones are? Not Thistles but something else, look kinda like an Indian Paint Brush but are purple and they cover whole pastures!! No smell either. Just purty to look at. Of course we saw plenty of Indian Blankets and many others that I don't know the names of.
Anyway, we got to Best Western around noon, quick shower and off we go to the Roosters High School Reunion out on Lake Travis. I met so many nice people. I finally got tired of saying "I'm his wife" that I made a name tag that said it for me. "I'm his wife". We had good ole Texas BBQ for our meal.
I need to tell you, I did ride on the back with Rooster. I hardly ever do that, but it was his day, not mine. I had forgotten how nice it is to just sit and watch the world go by. I call it being a "Beauty Queen". Cause when you sit there, your job is to sit and look purty. No back seat driving allowed. But you can and should always be aware of any hazards so you are ready to divert.
A good time was had by all at the reunion and we left around 8ish to be back to the hotel before dark. The Hill Country is known for the deer population. Deer and motorcycles do not blend well. Back safely to shower and sit out by the pool for a while........hmmm, ruff life huh? he he he it is good to be me!
Rooster got me up before the chickens!! (now you may be getting why the nickname) He wanted breakfast at the Blue Bonnet Cafe. Ok, Ok, I'm up! Packed the bikes. Sitting at the Blue Bonnet having a wonderful breakfast! (sorry Koffee Kup, they make a better breakfast) Anyway, and Rooster says "I coulda slept a little longer this morning....". Pa-Leeze.......don't make me hurt ya! Oh well, what do you do? You eat breakfast and get on down the road.
Back on the road and Rooster takes a detour, to my delight. Park Rd 4 off US281 just outside Marble Falls toward Inks Lake. Oh my, what a sweet little ride. Twisty turns, up and downs rolling hills. I felt like a kid playing on a new skate board.....weeeee!! Then he turns into a picnic area. Wow, what a view! It had to be the highest point for miles. Check out the pic and that will tell the tale.
We went back the way we came to get back onto US281 and make our way home. We got here around 1ish with chores to do before going back to work in the real world tomorrow. Put about 400 miles on the bikes for the weekend...short trip....sunburned and smiling. It's all good.
See you down the road.
Rosey and Rooster

Friday, June 11, 2010

Rooster & Rosey weekend road trip

Rooster's excited to be headed to his 35th High School Reunion!! We will be leaving in the morning on our bikes to head South into the Hill Country. Me on my Red Angel and he on his Black Pearl......he did not name his bike, I just did. I've been calling it the Black Pearl in my head for a while. But it's not up to me to officially name his bike. So that is subject to change when he tells me her name. Notice most vehicles get a girls name.....hummm. I've been told it's because they will always give you some kind of trouble eventually. Oh well, I've been called trouble all my life.....he he he.
I named my bike Red Angel about a year after I had her. She started out being the Red Devil cause I didn't think I was ever going to get that connection I needed to feel safe on her. She was so much heavier and bigger than my Low Rider. Did I mention that I'm only 5'3" and 136lbs? But I persevered and one day, out on the road, it just happened. That sweet spot moment. When you know you know and all is right. In that instant she became my Red Angel. I really love the feel of just sitting on her in the garage, but nothing can replace that in the wind feeling of freedom. I soar when I ride my Red Angel.
When we return from our weekend ride I will be back to add more about this short adventure.
By the way, thanks for stopping in.
See you down the road!! YEE HAW!!
Big Texas Hugs,

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hotter than Heck Garage Sale

Hello all,
OMG was it HOT during our garage sale! I'm sure it hit 100 degree's outside!! Wow what a fast and furious time it was tho. We had so many come to buy our stuff. Of course the first day was the best. We sold most of it by lunch time, made about 200 bucks! Scary that I had all that stuff in my house and it was sold so cheap, it was a LOT of stuff!! On the second day we had already decided to shut her down at noonish. We closed it out with a total of $287 to be used as gas money on our trip...every little bit will help.

Even gave away a fridge that didn't work anyway, but we did tell him about the 32 dollar part it needed to make it good as new. We just don't need it sucking electricity since it was hardly used in our garage. The guy that took it was tickled to get it. He's gonna make a Kegerator out of it.....hmmmm never heard of one of those but Rooster had. It's when they put a beer keg inside but drill a hole in it to expose the spout so you never open the door except to replace the keg. Then you use the freezer part for mugs. I told him he better be charging for those beers cause he's gonna have a popular place soon.

Ok we have our garage back and more money in the Canada Kitty. YEE HAW!! And we did not melt away!!

We will do a few weekend rides and I'll be back to to post those as July 24th gets closer and closer. Canada of BUST!!! YEE HAW!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Canada is just weeks away!

Today is June 4th. Friday. We are having a garage sale to earn just a little more spending money for our trip.

I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I........

I'm Rosey Beth and my Huney is Rooster. We both ride Harley's. Mine 2005 Heritage Softtail Classic and Roosters 2008 Ultra Classic. We have been planning a very special trip from Texas to Canada on our motorcycles. I am so excited that it's all I think about. I have decide to take you along with us via this blog.

You see I have been riding since 1993 and I have been as far East as Myrtle Beach, SC and as far West as Santa Barbara, CA.

Then in 2005 I met Rooster. I'm pretty sure God planned it that way now when I look back at it all but........spent a year making sure and married in Feb 2006. That's when we started having the most excellent adventures.

Rooster and I rode down to South Padre Island in 2006 where we joined a planned ride with hundreds of bikers to cross the Mexican border together. It was amazing. We had security in Nuevo Progresso so we didn't worry about anything. Of course we didn't stay that long either.

After Rooster bought his Ultra he asked me one day about where I would want to go next and I said Canada. That way I have made a complete cross, side to side, top to bottom of this great country of ours. Now I know some of you may say "What about Alaska"? Well, I will save Alaska for a cruise when I'm too old to ride. Or maybe I will ride a trike to Alaska cause that's my plan when I get too old to throw my leg over my Red Angel aka Heritage.

By the way, I'm 59 so I figure maybe another 10 years before I start converting my bike to a trike. Until then.........I'll be on 2 wheels, YEE HAW!!

My goal is to continue to blog about our plans and packing issues for this upcoming 2 week trip to Canada. It is a challenge to pack everything you might need just in clothing alone. But I will get into that as time gets closer. I will also give you our route and post pics as the adventure unfolds. I can tell you our first days plan is to get out of Texas. Our starting point is Fort Worth, TX and it is HOT HOT HOT till you get out of Texas in July. We can do it tho........ But there I go again, getting ahead of myself. Check in again soon. I'll keep ya posted!!  Can't wait for July 24th when we head out....destination CANADA!!  YEE HAW

Rosey Beth

Rosey Roads Tested!!