Bobby Glen Conner
What a sweet soul. He lived the life of a gypsy from place to place and never really owning anything. He can claim 11 children tho. 9 with the same woman, Barbara, a little tiny spit fire. Theirs was an up and down marriage of crazy stuff that I am probably glad I don’t know much of. I know Barbara was the most jealous woman I have ever met. If you were female, you were suspect in her mind. EVEN ME………I was Bobby’s sister-in-law, but to me Bobby was just another brother. I had 5 brothers of my own and thru marriage to Bobby’s brother I gained 5 more. But Bobby was special. How was he special……..well, he touched my heart by his laughter. When Bobby laughed, his whole body laughed. He had apple cheeks that balled up squinting his eyes to slits and he would tilt his head back with a full smile to reveal a laugh that came from his very center. I can hear it as I type these words and I smile. Now he wasn’t all good and he wasn’t all bad. He drank all the time and if he could he would smoke pot all the time too. He worked when he could find an oil rig to work or in the later days he did some road work and masonry work, just what he could find here and there along his path of wandering from place to place. Bobby would disappear from his family for years at a time. We would often ask each other, have you heard from him……….but somehow he would always turn up and most the time without a dime to his name. Once he showed up hurt, needing a place to just rest up a bit before moving on again. That time he stayed with his mom for a couple of months, borrowed a little money AND paid it back. If he had a grocery bag of clothes to wash it was a miracle. For me it would be impossible to live the way he did, but to him it was natural. He did use people along the way to help him get thru but for some reason, it was easy to forgive him. I think it was because it was always so fun to be around a laughing happy person like him. There is so much to keep us down in everyday America and to have a Bobby in your life is a good distraction.
Well, my brother Bobby left this world the way he lived it, with nothing. He was in a nursing home in Grand Saline, TX where his only birth sister Ruth Evans made sure he was taken good care of till his death. Eaten up with cancer, it was not an easy passing but it was quick. Ruth being the only girl in the family of 7, she also took care of the final arrangements for Bobby. Cremation was the cheapest and Bobby did have that much money so in the end he paid his way out of this world. Ruth gave me a portion of his ashes to keep or to do as I would with them. So this is the reason for this story…Our secret passenger……Bobby’s ashes.
My husband Rooster and I ride Harleys. We have been planning this motorcycle trip to Canada from Texas for a while. This plan included many stops along the way up and back home again. I decided to take Bobby’s ashes with me to sprinkle a little here and there along the way. Kind of a symbol of how he lived his life……..a wanderer. But I had to start here in my own back yard. I sprinkled some of his ashes around a texas sage bush I have in my meditation garden. I spoke to him saying “Bobby, I want to take you on a trip to Canada because I know you never made there, but I want you to be here with me too so I am leaving you at the base of this bush. This will be my Bobby bush from now on.”
First stop on our trip Tucumcari, NM. I put some of Bobby under a Cedar Tree for shade and the smell of the Cedar was wonderful. I’m sure he would like it there. There was a freeway a few yards away so if he gets the notion to move on down the road, he can hitch a ride. I told Bobby to rest a while here under this Cedar Tree. Take in the smells and sounds around him. And then I walked away but glanced back at the tree to see in my mind’s eye, Bobby resting against the Cedar tree, smiling that beautiful smile and waving at me, goodnight Beth Ethel (don't ask, it's just what he chose to call me).
Second stop Pagosa Springs, CO. We stayed at a little camp ground that rented trailers and small bunk houses. Ours was a small one room love shack right beside the Blanco River. Perfect place for Bobby. He loved to drink beer and fish. So the morning before we left I walked into the edge of the river and sprinkled a little of him there. I said “There you go Bro, now you are free to swim with the fish.” I could hear him laugh at me……..”You mean now I will be fish poop!!”
Third stop Rangely, CO. There’s not much in Rangely and I thought I was not going to find a decent place to leave my Bro. So I pondered on it as I looked out over the asphalt parking lot and across the street to more buildings. Humm this is a problem. Then I saw it, a fire hydrant! YES Perfect. You see Bobby didn’t have just a few kids, he had 11, that’s a litter of kids to me and I do think his favorite thing to do was practice making kids. So just like a dog, a fire hydrant would be a natural place for him too. And after I got over there, I realized the lot in front of the fire hydrant was a deserted trailer park, that’s perfect too, because the last days of Bobby’s life was spent in a trailer before he had to go to the nursing home. Honest, he was laughing his butt off at me with this one. “Oh No you didn’t”……is what I imagined him saying.
Fourth stop Dubois, WY. What a special little town. Very rustic, one main street with a real saloon and a river that winds around and twist around to where you cross it a couple of different times coming into town and it flows in every direction just like the wind blows. That was the name of the river, The Wind River. I found an old iron bridge with wooden slats to stand on while I tossed more of Bobby into this river. Again I said “there you go Bro, go fish.” I hear him say “great, more fish poop.”
Fifth stop West Yellowstone, MT. We stayed at in some small cottages for two days. Long enough to figure out that there were some permanent residence there. Wanders like Bobby. Saw an old lady with a very young man, guessing grandmother and her adult grandson, sitting outside in the evenings. I choose to place Bobby in a flower bed near their cottage. Bro sighed with an “I’m home” sound in my ears.
Sixth stop Kalispell, MT. Another nothing place with just a hotel and asphalt parking lot, but I saw it, the perfect place. Someone had hung several bird feeders in one of the trees to the side of the parking area. That would do very nicely. Bobby loved nature; I think he considered himself part of nature. But here I could hear his soft voice say “now bird poop……geesh”. He was still smiling at me.
Seventh stop……well, before the seventh stop we took a ride thru Glacier National Park where I took Bobby up on The Road to the Sun. We had to stop just past Logan’s Pass for road construction and it dawned on me this might be the most beautiful place on earth. I decided to leave some of Bobby there. I imagined him looking around thru my eyes and saying “Wow”! Perfect description Bro, Wow!
Seventh stop Lethbridge, AB Canada. Yep Bobby, we are now in Canada and you are staying here. Well, that’s what I thought when I took him, but it occurred to me that it would be wrong to leave him in Canada. After all, no matter where life took him, he did always find his way back home eventually. So I had enough ashes to bring him slowly back home, sprinkling a little here and a little there. In Lethbridge tho where will I leave him…..? I spotted a wine bottle just sitting by a dumpster in the alley and in my mind’s eye I could see Bobby sitting in that alley just drunk as a skunk on the cheap wine….yep, I left him there to enjoy the wine.
Eighth stop Billings, MT. Just another hotel and another asphalt parking lot…..but something was a little different here, just barely got off my bike when a homeless man approached me for a hand out. “Got any change lady?” A little startled I said no and he went on his way. But I noticed there were many homeless people walking up and down the busy sidewalk as we were near the downtown area and just like large towns everywhere there are those that choose to live on the streets. Bobby did this most of his life. This hotel had a small garden area complete with an arbor over a picnic table under very large shade trees. Ahh this was a no brainer. Bobby must stay here at the picnic table near the street under the shade trees to talk with the homeless people. It will be great company for him. He will be with his people.
Ninth stop Sturgis, SD. We plan to stay here for two days to do some riding in the Black Hills. Love this area. Always stay with our dear friend Peggy in her home just a mile from downtown. We ride up to Needles Hwy, down to Custer’s Wild Life Loop, up Iron Mountain Road to my favorite place in the world, Pig Tail Bridge….yep, I sprinkled some of Bobby on Pig Tail Bridge. Since that’s where I want my own ashes someday, maybe we can watch the bikes together during rally week from there. They all come; everyone on a motorcycle eventually comes to Pig Tail Bridge. It’s not too far from Mt. Rushmore.
Now we are about to leave Sturgis so I have to say goodbye to our sweet dear friend Peggy and Fielding her honey. I whisper in her ear about Bobby and if she says no I will understand but can I sprinkle just a little of him on that small hill at the edge of your yard? That way he can see all the bikes coming and going. Sure I can….I run up the hill quickly to place him at the highest point and tell him I’m a little jealous of this spot, I would like to stay with you. “Go on Beth Ethel, I’ll be here waiting for you when you come back.”
Tenth stop Rocky Ford, CO. This has to be the smallest town so far. Nothing much here at all but there was a train that kept going by during the night so by morning I knew Bobby had to be by the tracks after all he was the only real live hobo I ever met. Now he’s laughing at me again to call him a hobo. This is not how he pictured himself. But his laughter is still singing out, it makes me smile.
Eleventh stop Childress, TX. I almost don’t want to leave him here. Childress in August is hot and dry. It’s an oil town, but that’s where Bobby spent most of his younger man years. He even lost a few fingers on the oil rigs. No oil rigs in sight. Humm what to do. It will come to me. We were very tired but not hungry enough to go eat a full meal so I volunteered to walk over to the store pick up a few snacks. On the way over I noticed the parking lot behind and next to this store had several big trucks parked for the night. Ahh yes, Bobby had hitched many rides with truckers, this is the place. Sprinkled him on the asphalt and told him, pick one Bobby, cling on to someone’s shoes and get outta this town. Go some place else. “You got it Beth Ethel!”
Twelevth stop home, Burleson, TX. Took Bobby out to the garden. Sprinkled the rest of his ashes under the Texas Sage Bush. Said “Welcome home Bro, I know you’re tired. Rest forever in this sweet place where we can talk and laugh together anytime we want”. “I love you Beth Ethel”. “I love you too Bro”.
Bobby Glen Conner
Born: December 1, 1939
Died: December 7, 2009
Lives forever in our hearts.
Bobby’s last written word:
You are reading this then you know I’m gone from this world
But you should know my heart and soul is with God
My regret is that I could have gotten closer, but my dark said said you got plenty of time for that.
That was another lie from hell
Love is the only way out.
And I’m not preaching you don’t make the same mistakes, for so long
I love you ALL
Your prayers are Needed
If I’ve hurt anyone or trangressed agenst you Please forgive me and for anyone I’ve sined agenst I pray for you Forgineness.
I can’t wait to see Jesus. I’d party with him anyday
So don’t greve nor shed any tears my eturnity has Just begin to trust Jesus.
I will miss you all.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Are we there yet......Home James, I mean Rooster!!
Ok, we are in Rocky Ford, CO and about to head to Childress, Tx.....sleep over, then home to Burleson. Not a lot of choices on how to get there from here but let's take a look on Google Maps since we have wifi in this little one horse town....
There, looks like CR101 will save us about 45 miles to Amarillo.....gotta take it right? Hmmm, it's not on the Garmin Rooster got for his Ultra just for this trip......hmmm, where did it go?? Not to worry, let's just eat a good breakfast, gas up and ask someone. And so we did just that. Full tummies, full tanks but the attendant had never heard of CR101. Well, maybe the attendant was new around here. Off we go.......Rooster sees the turn, signals to me to ok or no-k. I signal "YES" let's do we turn down CR101. Great choice for about 25 miles, then whoops...........dirt and gravel.........
6 miles of dirt and gravel.........and I'm ok with that but it had rained the night before and we started running into slipper spots........then it became just MUD. Oh let me correct dirt is not dirt, it's CLAY!! Water and Clay are very very slippery. With a little fishtail here and a little fishtail a slip and there a slide. Rooster pulled to a stop and said "it's time to turn around". Yep, now we know why it wasn't on the Garmin for the motorcycle....this is not a motorcycle friendly road. Rooster insisted I stay still, he turned his bike around and slipping the whole way. Then he got on my bike to turn my Red Angel around. Now he's following me while I slip and slide along. I take the first serious turn in a mud hole and start to fishtail, with a counter here and a counter there, I almost had when my hand hit my rocker throttle.....gas it big time........THUD! I was in the MUD on my left side. Thank God for Engine Guards, kept the bike off my leg. But I hear Rooster sliding towards me and I curl up in a ball yelling out "Oh God! Oh God!". He stopped but I can smell his front tire right by my head........a little too close for me. He still assures me, "Honey I wasn't gonna hit ya"! I'm sure he would have laid it down first but in the mud, it's so unpredictable. Rooster hopped off his bike and helped me to my feet, he also righted my Red Angel for me. I was shaking like dog pooping peach seeds......I made sure to thank the big guy in the sky. What a cool Dude my God is to take care of me all the time.
It could've been so much worse.......but my Red Angel and I were just a little muddy......well, a lot muddy. But let me tell ya, it's much softer landing in mud than on pavement so I'm not complaining on bit.
We left a mark where we if you can blow this pic up really big.......look right in the center of the muddy mess I made and maybe you can see my BIKE KEY!! Yep somehow in the whirl of the squirreling around and pounding the ground, my key came off my jeans where I have snapped my keys for 17 years without a single mishap, till now. I didn't realize my key was gone til we were long gone from here. Speaking of being long gone from here........I still had to sit for a while when we got back on dry land to ponder my thoughts of gratitude.
As you can see if we had really gotten hurt, we were alone.......except for a few horses and cows.
We lost about 2 hours off our trip trying to save 45 miles taking this little shortcut.....he he he....first clue not to do it.....shortcut......he he he
There was some slight damage to my bike. The engine guard was bent so my road peg was not in the right place. Rooster bent it back some and adjusted it for me as best he could but the rest of the trip I was whappy know, crooked. Nothing is cheap on a Harley so that little dump cost $209.00 to replace the engine guard. No complaints tho......I am happy to have a bent engine guard and not a bent leg.
Got to Childress, Tx around 6ish that evening. HOTTER than HECK. Tired, ready for a shower and let's go sit in the hot tub. Oh yeah, now that's living right.
Remember I lost my bike key in the mud hole so how am I going to get a good nights sleep thinking someone could just ride off on my Red Angel? Here's Rooster is so security minded in everything he does, he brought the cable that we can lock our bikes together with. YEA!! Now if you know anything about Childress, Tx, you know in August it is very dry and very hot. There are tumble weeds that blow around but there are also little mini tumbling thingies. When we got up the next morning this is what we found around our bikes. Looked like we had been here forever.
Childress, Tx can keep their dry, hot, mini tumble weed thingies......we're off for Burleson, Tx. Homeward bound with nothing special to look at from here to there. Flat and nothingness till we pass thru a city. Who cares about seeing cities when thoughts of Tucumcari, Nm and Pagosa Springs, Co and The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone Natl Park and Glacier Park and Canada and Sturgis, SD, and the Black Hills all dance in my head as I ride along in the extreme heat with my cool hydration vest on.........but the thoughts dance on and the miles click along. Before you know it we have come to 35W at the North end of Fort Worth and as usual it's clogged with big trucks and cars. It's around 1pm and the sun is baking us. It's over 100 out but with the asphalt and the vehicles stuck in the traffic feels like 120. We swish between cars to make our way to Loop 820 to skirt around the back way to HOME!! 4500 miles of smiles and memories. What an amazing trip. Now I've done it.......been as far West, as far East, as far South and as far North as I can go on my bike. Cool! What next? I'm sure there's another Rosey Road for us to discover together. YEE HAW!!
Big Texas Hugs,
Rosey and Rooster
There, looks like CR101 will save us about 45 miles to Amarillo.....gotta take it right? Hmmm, it's not on the Garmin Rooster got for his Ultra just for this trip......hmmm, where did it go?? Not to worry, let's just eat a good breakfast, gas up and ask someone. And so we did just that. Full tummies, full tanks but the attendant had never heard of CR101. Well, maybe the attendant was new around here. Off we go.......Rooster sees the turn, signals to me to ok or no-k. I signal "YES" let's do we turn down CR101. Great choice for about 25 miles, then whoops...........dirt and gravel.........
6 miles of dirt and gravel.........and I'm ok with that but it had rained the night before and we started running into slipper spots........then it became just MUD. Oh let me correct dirt is not dirt, it's CLAY!! Water and Clay are very very slippery. With a little fishtail here and a little fishtail a slip and there a slide. Rooster pulled to a stop and said "it's time to turn around". Yep, now we know why it wasn't on the Garmin for the motorcycle....this is not a motorcycle friendly road. Rooster insisted I stay still, he turned his bike around and slipping the whole way. Then he got on my bike to turn my Red Angel around. Now he's following me while I slip and slide along. I take the first serious turn in a mud hole and start to fishtail, with a counter here and a counter there, I almost had when my hand hit my rocker throttle.....gas it big time........THUD! I was in the MUD on my left side. Thank God for Engine Guards, kept the bike off my leg. But I hear Rooster sliding towards me and I curl up in a ball yelling out "Oh God! Oh God!". He stopped but I can smell his front tire right by my head........a little too close for me. He still assures me, "Honey I wasn't gonna hit ya"! I'm sure he would have laid it down first but in the mud, it's so unpredictable. Rooster hopped off his bike and helped me to my feet, he also righted my Red Angel for me. I was shaking like dog pooping peach seeds......I made sure to thank the big guy in the sky. What a cool Dude my God is to take care of me all the time.
We left a mark where we if you can blow this pic up really big.......look right in the center of the muddy mess I made and maybe you can see my BIKE KEY!! Yep somehow in the whirl of the squirreling around and pounding the ground, my key came off my jeans where I have snapped my keys for 17 years without a single mishap, till now. I didn't realize my key was gone til we were long gone from here. Speaking of being long gone from here........I still had to sit for a while when we got back on dry land to ponder my thoughts of gratitude.
As you can see if we had really gotten hurt, we were alone.......except for a few horses and cows.
We lost about 2 hours off our trip trying to save 45 miles taking this little shortcut.....he he he....first clue not to do it.....shortcut......he he he
There was some slight damage to my bike. The engine guard was bent so my road peg was not in the right place. Rooster bent it back some and adjusted it for me as best he could but the rest of the trip I was whappy know, crooked. Nothing is cheap on a Harley so that little dump cost $209.00 to replace the engine guard. No complaints tho......I am happy to have a bent engine guard and not a bent leg.
Got to Childress, Tx around 6ish that evening. HOTTER than HECK. Tired, ready for a shower and let's go sit in the hot tub. Oh yeah, now that's living right.
Remember I lost my bike key in the mud hole so how am I going to get a good nights sleep thinking someone could just ride off on my Red Angel? Here's Rooster is so security minded in everything he does, he brought the cable that we can lock our bikes together with. YEA!! Now if you know anything about Childress, Tx, you know in August it is very dry and very hot. There are tumble weeds that blow around but there are also little mini tumbling thingies. When we got up the next morning this is what we found around our bikes. Looked like we had been here forever.
Childress, Tx can keep their dry, hot, mini tumble weed thingies......we're off for Burleson, Tx. Homeward bound with nothing special to look at from here to there. Flat and nothingness till we pass thru a city. Who cares about seeing cities when thoughts of Tucumcari, Nm and Pagosa Springs, Co and The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone Natl Park and Glacier Park and Canada and Sturgis, SD, and the Black Hills all dance in my head as I ride along in the extreme heat with my cool hydration vest on.........but the thoughts dance on and the miles click along. Before you know it we have come to 35W at the North end of Fort Worth and as usual it's clogged with big trucks and cars. It's around 1pm and the sun is baking us. It's over 100 out but with the asphalt and the vehicles stuck in the traffic feels like 120. We swish between cars to make our way to Loop 820 to skirt around the back way to HOME!! 4500 miles of smiles and memories. What an amazing trip. Now I've done it.......been as far West, as far East, as far South and as far North as I can go on my bike. Cool! What next? I'm sure there's another Rosey Road for us to discover together. YEE HAW!!
Big Texas Hugs,
Rosey and Rooster
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sturgis, SD to Rocky Ford, CO
Leaving Sturgis is always sad for me. I love the area, the Black Hills, the history and the sweet friends I have there. I don't get to see them nearly enough. But home is calling after so many days on the road. So now how to go South. Do we go West and then South thru Denver......I hate driving thru Denver, love Denver, just hate driving my bike thru it cause it's just another big city with crazy drivers in cars that don't even watch for motorcycles. We decided to go the Western side of Nebraska South then veer West slightly to end up in Rocky Ford, Co. Nice route actually. Even tho we had to put our helmets on thru Nebraska. It was just a whole day of riding without much happening or much to see........cept a few million fields of corn.
Lynda Lu said goodbye to us at Rocky Ford, Co. She wanted to take a few days at her own pace to get back home to Fredericksburg, Tx so we had our goodbyes that night. Lucky girl got to sleep in......I live with sleeping in with a Rooster......he he he.
Funny thing tho, next morning Lynda Lu was up when we were about to leave for Childress, Tx to give us one more hug goodbye. We love you too girl. Was an awesome journey together.
Big Texas Hugs
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
Lynda Lu said goodbye to us at Rocky Ford, Co. She wanted to take a few days at her own pace to get back home to Fredericksburg, Tx so we had our goodbyes that night. Lucky girl got to sleep in......I live with sleeping in with a Rooster......he he he.
Funny thing tho, next morning Lynda Lu was up when we were about to leave for Childress, Tx to give us one more hug goodbye. We love you too girl. Was an awesome journey together.
Big Texas Hugs
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
Sunday, August 15, 2010
8-2-10 from Billings Mt. to Sturgis SD where we stayed an extra day.
Up early to ride to Sturgis SD today, but we gotta get outta Montana first.......this is a big state! Purty too, but now we are into the prairie part of it. Not so much to see.....oh well, any day on a Harley is a good day or so says my bro Wally.
Made it to the edge of Montana and crossed over to Wyoming......still prairie land, just look at that scenery behind Lynda Lu and I..........bla.
We keep on riding.........South Dakota has to be around here somewhere, right?
Can you see it............look again.......the engineers that blasted this tunnel oh so many years ago knew what they were's a perfect frame of Mt. Rushmore! There are two tunnels like this on Iron Mountain Rd but you have to be going up from Custer's Park to see it from this angle. Cool, huh?
Made it to the edge of Montana and crossed over to Wyoming......still prairie land, just look at that scenery behind Lynda Lu and I..........bla.
We keep on riding.........South Dakota has to be around here somewhere, right?
RIGHT!! We made it to the border of South Dakota and as you can see from the scenery behind us, it's getting a little more interesting. But this ain't nothing......I wanna see our friend Peggy's front yard, that's gonna be beautiful to us!!
Here we are at Peggy's front yard in Sturgis!! YEA!! No ones home but as her custom when she knows your coming, the note was on the front door telling us which room is ours. She usually has a full house for the rally but remember we are here a week early. The house is empty and I've never seen it that way. It will be nice to spend some quality time with her.
We are up early with anticipation of riding our favorite ride. Needles Hwy, down to Custer Park Wildlife Loop, up Iron Mountain Rd to twirl down Pigtail Bridge over by Mt.Rushmore. YEE HAW!! I'm riding with Rooster today and Lynda Lu is going to take off on her own to maybe get to meet up with friends in Lead.
But Mother Nature is screwing with us a little. We wait out the clouds and decide to go for it. Lynda Lu stayed behind a little longer but she took off for her own adventure too.
Needles Hwy, if you've been there you know it's truly like threading a needle to ride this road. Soo fun!
Do you see any dark clouds? Me neither.......but they are forming in the distance......
I was looking for a white fox tail......had to come to Sturgis to find it. This is Bruce and Cupcake. The vendors I bought my white fox tail from......guess where they are from........Maypearl, TEXAS! Big B's Leather in big downtown Maypearl, TEXAS!! How funny is that. 213 N. Main St. to be exact. Y'all go by and see them sometime. We promised we would when we get a chance back home. Very Nice Folks!!
Now tell the a car this is not THAT scary..........on a motorcycle there are two different emotions that happen all at once........FEAR and EXCITEMENT!! Bring it on!!! By the way, it means 5 mph, not 6!!
And there they are in the clearing along the road. This is just before we got to Pigtail Bridge. I did not get a pic of the Bridge, it's hard to take a pic of something like that. You can find it on the Internet tho, just Google Pigtail Bridge in South Dakota. It's really an amazing sight when all the bikes are there going up and down at the same time. Like a beautiful dance.
Now this part of the story is going to short and not so sweet.......after we came down off Pigtail Bridge we wanted to scoot over to Deadwood and gamble a little but remember those dark hu......yep they were THERE!! Black, Green, Purple UGLY!! We turned around, headed back to Rapid City.....didn't make it..... the rain came, the wind gushing and we ran for cover! Into an RV Park gift shop with a couple of other bikers. Now I'm thinking......ouch, Lynda Lu is out in the heart of that. Phone service sucks in the mountains. I called anyway, left a message. Before long I get a call, "Rosey, write this down, I'm on a pay phone, call me back!".... When I called she was in Spearfish, caught in HAIL!! Safely sitting at a bar with a few other Guys that were caught too. She had already decided to stay the night if need be. Main thing, everyone is ok. We had folks coming in with reports of so much pea size hail in Deadwood that they brought out the snowplows to get it off the roads. We all ended up safely back in Sturgis to buy our token shirt so we can say, been there, done that, got the shirt.
Peggy and Fielding were so good to us.......they always are. Rooster loved the Rhubarb pie she made for us in 2007 when we were there, he bragged about it to everyone. When I told Peggy that, she waited till we went to bed, then gathered Rhubarb from a friends garden, baked 4 small pies and 1 large Strawberry Rhubarb pies so Rooster and Lynda Lu could have them for breakfast! Fielding made steaks on the grill for everyone that night. sure don't go hungry around here. Then on our last morning Peggy made french toast for us! I waddled away.........she does make it seem like coming home each time we stop in. Wish it was more often my dear sweet friend. I tell folks about her but no matter how much I sing her praises, I still undersell her. She's AWESOME!!
Come to TEXAS Peggy, I love you girl!!...........SQUISH............aka a Hug.
Big Texas Hugs
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
By the way, if you click on any pic it will enlarge it for you. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Left Canada 8-1-10 heading for Billings, MT before on to Sturgis.
We left Canada headed for Billings, MT for our stop for the night. Just wanna get to Sturgis so we can ride in the Black Hills for a day and visit with our good friend Peggy and Fielding.
We do have one special place in mind to visit along the way......Custer's Last Stand.
General Custer's body is burried within just a few feet of this marker

White markers for Soldiers. These indicate the actual place they found the body. And the name of the Soldier is on the maker.
Its quite humbling to walk amongst this vast area of history and think of how it must have looked back then with hundreds of Indians and Soldiers on that battlefield.
The Indians have a much more interesting memorial monumnet than the boring white man.
We left there mid-morning to ride in beautiful weather for the entire day.......till we had to out run that rain again. Rained on us for a short time before we got into Billings for the evening, but we don't float and we don't melt so everything was A-OK. Was nice to eat, shower and rest up for our trip to Sturgis.........Pre-rally Sturgis, this will be interesting.
I will post those pics as soon as I can.
Big Texas Hugs
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
We do have one special place in mind to visit along the way......Custer's Last Stand.
General Custer's body is burried within just a few feet of this marker
I will post those pics as soon as I can.
Big Texas Hugs
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Bye Bye Canada, Hello USA!!
Rained so hard last night that the thunder almost shook us out of bed......scarey. Wet bikes, wet roads but BLUE SKY'S, YEA!! Time to head back to the USA.....but before we leave Canada we must take a pic of the Canola Fields......amazing color of yellow that go forever and then another field and another. I smell them before I see them. Fabulous!
We had to pick some to bring with us......just one for Rosey and one for Lynda Lu........put mine in the saddlebag and Lynda Lu put hers in a slot behind backrest. Then when we went thru customs at the border they saw hers and made her give it up.......I actually had forgotten about mine till she told me they took hers. No matter, mine is so wilted it's garbage now too.
This house was in the middle of the field way off the road. Rooster had to use his Zoom lens just to get this close for a pic. What a way of life.
Once we hit the USA again we had nothing but prairie land to look at as we rode along. Very boring but I started to notice to fields of wheat and maze growing. It may not be as vibrant in color as Canola but there's a lot of it being grown here.
We had perfect weather for most of the day. Once we saw a Thunder Boomer in the far distance to the right of us and it was coming our way.......we out ran that one. Then we saw another and decided to ride thru it without suiting up in raingear and that was a good call, in and out in no time, barely got wet. Then just as we were on our last little bit of the trip to Billings, we turned toward a Thunder Boomer that we knew was gonna get us forsure. We pulled over to suit up, but just partially because we could see blue under it. I decided to not put my helmet on.........Bad Bad BAD call.........gusting winds 40 to 50 mph with HUGE rain drops pounding on my head and ear so hard I thought for a minute it was hail. Rooster was scrunched to one side of his bike where he found a sweet spot, no rain hitting his face at all and Lynda Lu had on her full face helmet listening to Brad Paisley sing "Rain is a good thing".
Pulled into Billings with the sun shining and we are now safe in our hotel room, fed, showered and ready for beddy bye. Sturgis tomorrow!! Yea! It's the week before the rally so this will be a first for us all. Will be nice to enjoy the Black Hills without all the crazy riders. Can't wait to see my best friend in Sturgis, Peggy!! I'm gonna give her a big Squish!! (aka hug) =)
Big Texas Hugs,
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
This house was in the middle of the field way off the road. Rooster had to use his Zoom lens just to get this close for a pic. What a way of life.
Once we hit the USA again we had nothing but prairie land to look at as we rode along. Very boring but I started to notice to fields of wheat and maze growing. It may not be as vibrant in color as Canola but there's a lot of it being grown here.
We had perfect weather for most of the day. Once we saw a Thunder Boomer in the far distance to the right of us and it was coming our way.......we out ran that one. Then we saw another and decided to ride thru it without suiting up in raingear and that was a good call, in and out in no time, barely got wet. Then just as we were on our last little bit of the trip to Billings, we turned toward a Thunder Boomer that we knew was gonna get us forsure. We pulled over to suit up, but just partially because we could see blue under it. I decided to not put my helmet on.........Bad Bad BAD call.........gusting winds 40 to 50 mph with HUGE rain drops pounding on my head and ear so hard I thought for a minute it was hail. Rooster was scrunched to one side of his bike where he found a sweet spot, no rain hitting his face at all and Lynda Lu had on her full face helmet listening to Brad Paisley sing "Rain is a good thing".
Pulled into Billings with the sun shining and we are now safe in our hotel room, fed, showered and ready for beddy bye. Sturgis tomorrow!! Yea! It's the week before the rally so this will be a first for us all. Will be nice to enjoy the Black Hills without all the crazy riders. Can't wait to see my best friend in Sturgis, Peggy!! I'm gonna give her a big Squish!! (aka hug) =)
Big Texas Hugs,
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
Saturday, July 31, 2010
After breakfast the sky's did not look too good to us, matter of fact the direction we were headed looked very dark. We decided to wait it out some......but the rain came and we headed to the local Harley Shop for more rain gear. I now own a pair of duck boots.......or at least that's what they make my feet look like, but they kept them dry. I love em!!
Now off we go to find our way around the rain, might even have to skip The Road to the Sun.....=(
God smiled on us tho, and the sky became more blue while the rain became sprinkles. We stopped at the entrance to Glacier Park for hot coco and took a vote........yep, let's try it.
Good vote.....The Road to the Sun is beyond description! At every turn there is a magnificent view. The woods are so thick with moss on the floor of the forest that it looks like lush green carpet. The smell of the pines remind me of fresh cut Christmas trees.
And then we made it to Canada!!
But now we only have a little more than an hour before Lethbridge Harley Davidson closes because it's Saturday and they close at 4pm. We had to wait out the rain this morning and it put us behind, but we can do it if we hurry hurry hurry!!In Canada the first speed limit sign we see says 100 klm.........yikes, I think that's about 70 mph, but no matter, we were doing 80 mph. Passing fields of bright yellow something........and the smell was intoxicating. No matter tho, we are on a mission.........get there before they close at 4pm..........
At 3:59pm we pull up to a CLOSED Lethbridge Harley Davidson!!!!!
Here take this!! Kiss my Continental Divide!!
Big Texas Hugs
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
Friday, July 30, 2010
Go back to Grand Tetons and Yellowstone.....fantastic......added pics now
Since I did not have good connection in West Yellowstone I added the pics today. So go back to the previous post to see them, you might get a kick outta it.
Now I did try last night at the picnic table behind our little cabin in West Yellowstone where we met a couple of real nice guys on bikes that rode up from Denver, CO but they told us they are in the witness protection program and we can't put their names or pics on the internet..........oops, oh well how about not their names.
We are now at Kalispell, MT staying the night to get an early start into Glacier Park tomorrow and hopefully into Lethbridge Canada before the Harley Shop closes at 4pm. But we did check it online and they have a Mall Location that doesn't close until 6pm so we have a backup plan.
We only took one pic today, at breakfast in Ennis, MT.
Just too many miles to get under our seats so we could be rested up for our ride tomorrow thru Glacier Park. I'm sure tomorrow I will have many wonderful stories and pics. Headed to find the Road to the Sun in Glacier Park. Everyone has told us that we will be in awe at every turn. I have been in awe from the start of this most excellent adventure and it's hard to grasp the concept of more..........but I'm ready for it!! YEE HAW!!
Big Texas Hugs,
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
Now I did try last night at the picnic table behind our little cabin in West Yellowstone where we met a couple of real nice guys on bikes that rode up from Denver, CO but they told us they are in the witness protection program and we can't put their names or pics on the internet..........oops, oh well how about not their names.
We are now at Kalispell, MT staying the night to get an early start into Glacier Park tomorrow and hopefully into Lethbridge Canada before the Harley Shop closes at 4pm. But we did check it online and they have a Mall Location that doesn't close until 6pm so we have a backup plan.
We only took one pic today, at breakfast in Ennis, MT.
Just too many miles to get under our seats so we could be rested up for our ride tomorrow thru Glacier Park. I'm sure tomorrow I will have many wonderful stories and pics. Headed to find the Road to the Sun in Glacier Park. Everyone has told us that we will be in awe at every turn. I have been in awe from the start of this most excellent adventure and it's hard to grasp the concept of more..........but I'm ready for it!! YEE HAW!!
Big Texas Hugs,
Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Ok, last night was too late to sit outside at our little motel in order to get a stronger WIFI connection but today it's perfect timing. Actually everything has been perfect timing today. Rooster and I went back into Yellowstone to spend some leasurely time stopping to enjoy God's wonderous creations. Lynda Lu took the day too do her own thing. It was all good.
We saw 1 swan, 2 eagles, 1 huge hawk, several elk and "A" buffalo. I say "A" buffalo because we saw him yesterday at a different we think it's a token buffalo that they pose for us tourist....he he he. What a cush job he has.
We saw 1 swan, 2 eagles, 1 huge hawk, several elk and "A" buffalo. I say "A" buffalo because we saw him yesterday at a different we think it's a token buffalo that they pose for us tourist....he he he. What a cush job he has.
It has been nothing but one awesome sight after another. There is just too much to see in one day so we had to stay an extra day.
Lynda Lu took a tour on her own landing in Idaho. She wanted me to make sure to show her pic in front of the Mesa Falls there so none of her friends that are following this blog will think she just slept or drank this day away........ =) we all know her better than that don't we..........he he he
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Lynda Lu in front of Upper Mesa Falls So here you can see Lynda Lu is da ho.........cause she brought us back a sign that says IDAHO Big Texas Hugs, Rosey, Rooster and Lynda Lu |
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